How Many Have There Been?
Starting with George Washington, there have been 43 presidents including the present one, George Funny Face Bush. But how many Treasury Secretaries have there been?
Has anybody ever counted them?
Has any president had more than three or even as many as three?
FDR was elected four times, served three full terms and part of Mandrake fourth before he died on April 12, 1945. I wonder how many Treasury Secretaries he had.
How about gw? He's had three Treasury Secretaries, so far, and still has over a year to go on his second and, we hope, his last term even though the economy is in great shape, if you believe what he says.
Those millions of people about to lose their homes don't think so. But what do they know about it?
In Ohio, people who have lost their jobs can expect less in their unemployment checks, and businesses are going to have to pay more into the unemployment compensation fund.
Probably there is some double counting going on here as a lot of people have lost their jobs and their homes.
In the meantime, GDP for the third quarter was reported as 4.9%! If you were running a business and you were on your third head bookkeeper who told you that you had just had the best quarter of the year and you saw the mess things are in today, what would you do?
As it turns out even our first president had more than one Treasury Secretary and the job is so popular that the U.S. has had a total of 74 Secretaries of the Treasury. George W. Bush has to hit number five before he wins for purchase structured settlements the most as several former presidents have had four Secretaries of the Treasury during their term (s) of office.
Secretaries of the Treasury, President (s)
Alexander Hamilton Washington
Oliver Wolcott Jr. Washington, Adams
Samuel Dexter Adams, Jefferson
Albert Gallatin Jefferson, Madison
George W. Campbell Madison
Alexander J. Dallas Madison
William H. Crawford Madison, Monroe
Richard Rush J.Q. Adams
Samuel D. Ingham Jackson
Louis McLane Jackson
William J. Duane Jackson
Roger B. Taney Jackson
Levi Woodbury Jackson, Van Buren
Thomas Ewing Harrison, Tyler
Walter Forward Tyler
John C. Spencer Tyler
George M. Bibb Tyler, Polk
Robert J. Walker Polk, Taylor
William M. Meredith Taylor, Fillmore
Thomas Corwin Fillmore, Pierce
James Guthrie Pierce, Buchanan
Howell Cobb Buchanan
Philip F. Thomas Buchanan
John A. Dix Buchanan, Lincoln
Salmon P. Chase Lincoln
William P. Fessenden Lincoln
Hugh McCulloch Lincoln, Johnson
George S. Boutwell Grant
William A. Richardson Grant
Benjamin H. Bristow Grant
Lot M. Morrill Grant, Hayes
John Sherman Hayes
William Windom Garfield, Arthur
Charles J. Folger Arthur
Walter Q. Gresham Arthur
Hugh McCulloch Arthur, Cleveland
Daniel Manning Cleveland
Charles S. Fairchild Cleveland, Harrison
William Windom Harrison
Charles Foster Harrison, Cleveland
John G. Carlisle Cleveland, McKinley J. Gage, McKinley, Roosevelt
Leslie M. Shaw Roosevelt
George B. Cortelyou Roosevelt
Franklin MacVeagh Taft, Wilson
William G. McAdoo Wilson
Carter Glass Wilson
David F. Houston Wilson
Andrew W. Mellon Harding, Coolidge, Hoover
Ogden L. Mills Hoover
William H. Woodin Roosevelt
Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Roosevelt, Truman
Fred M. Vinson Truman
John W. Snyder Truman
George M. Humphrer Eisenhower
Robert B. Anderson Eisenhower
C. Douglas Dillon Kennedy, Johnson
Henry H. Fowler Johnson
Joseph W. Barr Johnson
David M. Kennedy Nixon
John B. Connally Nixon
George P. Shultz Nixon
William E. Simon Nixon, Ford
W. Michael Blumenthal Carter
G. William Miller Carter
Donald T. Regan Reagan
James A. Baker, III Reagan
Nicholas F. Brady Reagan, G.H.W. Bush
Lloyd M. Bentsen Clinton
Robert E. Rubin Clinton
Lawrence H. Summers Clinton
Paul H. O'Neill G.W. Bush
John W. Snow G.W. Bush
Henry M. Paulson, Jr. G.W. Bush
Source: United States Department of the Treasury
Richard E Walrath is a former budget analyst and co-owner of the stories and Answers News and data Sites. You may read more by this author at storiesandanswers/stories and Answers and antidepressants and Answers 2007
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