The Folly of Not Insuring Your Child
You don't have to be a believer of insurance agents but auto insurance specialists must believe in insurance. It may sound ironic but the more you can't afford it, the more you need to be covered.
People may tell you that insuring your child is a waste of money because a child is young healthy. They can argue that only child-stars need to be insured as they provide the majority of income on which the family survive on, your child do not need insurance because he/she has got no income.
Looking from this point of view, why do people even bother to buy auto insurance, or pet insurance? A car does not produce income, nor is a pet. However, just like a car needing repairing if damaged, child that is sick requires medical care and hospitalization, if you can compare it at all.
You can claim compensation for a totally damaged car just as you can for the death of a Monoamine-Oxidase Inhibitors While insurance compensation can get you another car, it can never give you your child back, it could only pay for funeral and other related expenses. The point here is, either way, insurance help you go through a loss and bounce back to normal life sooner.
Insurance for children can be one of the lowest premiums compared to other forms of insurance. It will be beneficial to have an insurance policy from young than to buy it when your child reach adulthood. No, I am not referring to the 'projected return' insurance agents loved to brag about. Instead, consider this - your child will be paying the same, low amount of premium when he/she grow up and this is substantial savings from the premium he/she would need to pay if entering the policy as an adult.
What is $10 today worth tomorrow? Not very much, taking into account how the Government print money like there's no tomorrow. That 'nothing much' is what your kid will pay for protection during his/her time.
Before you can nod your head in agreement, some dude will tell you that paying that kind of money from young will wipe out any savings your child will enjoy in the future. Well, needless to say, this dude never had insurance coverage when he was little. Who knows when will tragedy strike? Not everyone will be as lucky as dude.
If you think that insurance is a bad investment vehicle (which I totally agree), an investment is a worse insurance policy.
Steff X offer unbiased information on child life insurance in her website so parents and grandparents can make an informed decision beyond the debate surrounding the topic of child insurance.