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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Did the Devil Really Answer My Prayer?

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." {James 5:16} and I havn't stopped praying.

As you ponder the topic, keep in mind that as I write this I am at my parents house & we just received news that my unsaved father has lung cancer that has progressed beyond the point that the doctors are able to do anything to help him. Just as my father-in-law spent his last days, my father mainly lies resting with his oxygen mask irritated most of the time while the rest of the family is doing whatever we can to ease my mom's burden. My miracle baby(#4, born last year due to a faulty IUD that could not be removed because it had became lodged in my wife's colon requiring additional surgeries of which she has at least one more to go) continues to need oxygen tanks as well at 9 months old. My job has just laid me off due to lack of available work. These hard economic times have negatively affected my business as well. My clients, who are business owners as well, agree that these are tight times. I will not even get into the price of gas and the war in Iraq. Let me just say in the words of Brown: "Folks is dyin who aint neva died befo!" I could be next!!!

All this doesn't even make up half of the attack on my mind. Thank God that my mind has been renewed {Romans 12:2, 2 Tim 1:7,Is. 26:3} Don't let the title fool you- MY FAITH IS NOT DEFEATED!!!! It may shake a little from time to time like the streets of San Francisco but like the Palm Trees that withstood hurricane Katrina, I get bent out of shape - but I'M STILL STANDING! and walking with THE KING OF THE WORLD.

In order to truly understand the topic's question, We need to go back....

Not just back in time but back in the recesses of my mind to memories that for many years I have both consciously and unconsciously repressed.

As you read this, you are reading me and my life becomes an open book to you. This is my testimony. It is my prayer that this remortgage will minister to someone going through similar attacks so they can continue to survive on the battlefield {Matt 11:12} We are all GOSPEL SOLDIERS in the valley of the shadow of death on a rescue mission. My other benefit is the fact that this TRUE TO LIFE TESTIMONY is part of the overcoming process for me {Rev.12:11}

....And this is how I keep it "REAL in the Field"

How can a man of God with such an in depth knowledge of God's word and understanding of his power use God's word to destroy the lives of so many people who were just seeking to please God?

I have struggled with that question for 16 years. I have finally come to this conclusion: THAT WAS NO MAN OF GOD. That's a simple answer that has taken nearly half of my lifetime to reach. Much of this is just now coming to me after finally learning that the man I speak of paid for what he did in the end. I knew Lloyd R. Davis quite well. I respected him as my bishop for over three years. His son-in law Pastor Paine was also my pastor at CFC and his grandson was a big fan of the Holy Hip-Hop Ministry that I brought and performed for the church often. From what I gather, he denied ever committing the sick acts he was accused of all the way to the grave. If that's so, then that is one person that I know for sure will be going to hell according to the Bible he preached from. I have witnessed first hand with my own eyes some of the ungodly actions of this so-called bishop. Much of what I witnessed has been repressed for about 16 years and for good reason. Just about everything having to do with his ministry (which, by the way, is still lying to the congregation and public about his innocence) I have repressed. It wasn't until running into my friend, Tony in 2007 that it started coming back.

For years I've remained fairly silent about the events I witnessed while a member at Christian Fellowship Church. I've only shared this story with a few close family members and friends and never as detailed as I am sharing it here. Part of the reason for my silence is, first of all, the thought of no one believing me and accusing me of being a heretic bent on wrecking an innocent ministry. The biggest reason for my silence would be my own participation in those events. This reason is probably only understood by those who have been victims of such sexual misconduct. In my case, even the use of the term "sexual misconduct" does not describe my experience. For lack of a better description, let me just say it was just plain nasty! I am sure the others who I have learned were victimized by this man will agree. On top of all that, there are yet many more who have been victimized by the ministry and others that may be still following that ministry unaware of what they're really involved in. I write for conference call numbers all.

I know now that it wasn't coincidental that the first thing that Jesus said when asked about signs of the end was "Take heed that no man deceive you." (Matthew 24:4) Jesus said that many shall deceive many. He didn't say that many shall try to deceive many. That means there are going to be MANY that are deceived. We all like to think that it's not going to be me. Myself and many others thought the same thing and yet I followed and supported CFC for over 3 years, faithfully. What I'm trying to say is deception doesn't come in a bright red box marked "trick" It comes disguised as a dedicated, on-fire, active ministry that gets darker the deeper you get into it. On the surface, everything appears perfect and everyone seems overjoyed. Your first few visits, you may not notice anything out of the ordinary. My advice, "look around, look around" and ask questions. Above all, compare everything you see, hear and feel with what is written in YOUR Bible. Be diligent in your OWN study of God's word above and beyond what the church is feeding you (2 Timothy 2:15) Finally, talk to God constantly. Confess your faults and struggles to Him first and foremost. The Lord has a way of giving a true man of God the answers you need without you having to tell any man your survivorship life insurance confessions and only God can forgive you for any of your sins. That being said, let me begin my story and how I learned these things the hard way.

Bootcamp was an experience that sparked my communication with God. I was born and raised in the Church of God in Christ but until then, true heart-felt conversation with the Lord had not taken place. In bootcamp God was my only true friend. I didn't know much about being saved then but I did know Romans 10:9 So I gave my life to the Lord while in bootcamp and then did the best I could to live saved amongst my "anything but saved" counterparts or "shipmates" as we called each other. We had an appointed chaplain who led us in prayer and supposedly provided spiritual guidance. He later lost his whole bootcamp savings (somewhere around $800) by purchasing the services of a prostitute who took off with his wallet. Then there was Sunday morning services which was more an excuse to get out of the stuffy barracks. The name of Jesus was pretty much taboo at these services because they had to cater to all religions, Christian, Catholic, Muslim, etc. so it was really just a lot of people making a lot of noise and trying to release tension. I was allowed a little pocket-sized New Testament Bible so I just read.

I was saved with absolutely no power over my struggles or temptations. I just told myself that I would be delivered once I got out of bootcamp and got in a REAL church, got baptized and all that. I also promised God I would search for a church when I got out. Satan helped me fabricate this excuse to temporarily backslide and join in on some of the ungodly activities going on around me. Needless to say, when I graduated from bootcamp, looking for a church was the last thing on my mind. One thing that managed to stay in the back of my mind was a promise I made to God that if he got me through bootcamp, I would serve him. I've learned in situations like bootcamp or jail (and I've experienced both) we tend to make a lot of sincere promises that we somehow forget once we get out. Jesus didn't let me push this promise completely out of my mind. It just kept poppin up! So I reasoned that the church was in my heart and I began to read my Bible, fast and pray regularly-ALONE.

God has brought me a very long way, and I'm still with him today. My father passed on June 18, 2008 but he rededicated his life to Christ on May 24th, 2008. That is one miracle that I am ever grateful to have witnessed. I was truly relieved seeing that I would be expected to speak at his funeral and I believe in keeping it REAL! so I refuse to deceive people by saying things like "he's gone to be with the Lord" when I know good and well how my pops used to roll. I'm not gonna put my pop's business out there. I'll just say "my poppa was a rollin stone" and according to my Bible, that sort of lifestyle doesn't send you to Heaven to be with the Lord. As it is said, "EYES HAVEN'T SEEN, EARS HAVEN'T HEARD what God has prepared for those who love him" I do not want to even imagine what the flip side of that is going to be like. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure if Heaven is unimaginable joy then Hell must be unimaginable pain and I'm going through enough hell in my life now! Just reading Revelations chapter 20 is enough for me. I recently touched a hot iron for about 3 seconds and I felt the pain for about a day. I can't even wrap my mind around my entire being burning for an eternity in a lake of fire a million times hotter than that iron!!!.....


Now, I will tell the story about something I prayed fervently for a long time for and how satan showed up in the form of the blessing I prayed for.......

But you will have to wait and buy the book when it comes out

full of many more of these true life stories.

God bless,


BigBizzz Entertainment
"Ministry in REAL Life"

What Do Women Want In Fine Jewelry?

Women love jewelry. It's as simple as that. The thing most men don't ever really understand is why. To men, it's a shiny bauble that can cost a fortune and many times is only worn a few times a year. So, what do women want in fine jewelry? They don't want a super expensive medical marijuana being given to them randomly, they want something thoughtful, well timed, and emotionally charged. Women associate a lot of their jewelry with special events.

The woman in your life probably has a story behind every single piece of jewelry she owns but when she tells it, we just nod and go Uh-huh car insurance com Wow. This is what women want in fine jewelry. A special memory that reminds them of a certain thing you did for them and how much love you put into making that occasion special. Many women are brought to tears when presented with fine jewelry in a well planned and timed situation and that memory only gets stronger with time.

There are some women that just want to get their hands on as much fine jewelry as they can get so they can impress and show off to their friends, coworkers, or other people. The majority of women aren't like this luckily. Many women know how hard it is for a man to pick out jewelry and love and appreciate it that much more when you select the perfect piece of fine jewelry for them. This can be difficult as men don't pay an enormous amount of attention to womens jewelry. This may platinum visa credit card a little bit of thought or even some sly questioning to make sure you get the right jewelry.

Women like to talk about jewelry and a great way to find out what their ultimate piece of fine jewelry is requires talking to their closest friends. Women share information like this regularly while they are shopping, browsing ads and websites, and admiring another womans new jewelry. Their friends should be able to point you in the right direction. While one woman may want a beautifully made cross necklace, another might want a ring with a particular type of gem or gems in it. If you can, take your loved one to a shopping area that just happens to have a jewelry store in it and look around in there. You should be able to get a great deal of information by her comments and expressions as you browse around the store. Does she love the pearls, the rings, the necklaces, or something else?

The most important thing when giving a woman a piece of fine jewelry is the setting and the amount of emotions that are being displayed. You want to take her to her favorite place or set up a romantic night that you know she will love. You want everything to be as perfect as possible because this memory will be entwined with her piece of fine jewelry forever. You want it associated with love, romance, and joy and not something like running into an ex, getting food poisoning, or anything bad whatsoever. If something unexpected and undesirable does happen, save that piece of fine jewelry for a better time. She will still enjoy your special time together. If everything goes wonderfully, and you are both happy and loving each other, now is your chance to present her new fine jewelry.

Your gift of fine jewelry has just made the woman you love the most happy person in the world. That memory will stay with her and that piece of fine jewelry forever.

Chloe Grace is the Spiritual Marketing Manager for ireligiousjewelryIReligiousJewelry Discover great deals on ireligiousjewelryReligious Jewelry and ireligiousjewelrycrossesCross Pendant at IReligiousJewelry