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Saturday, November 8, 2008

List of Salaries For Careers

If you're looking for a new career, then home mortgage refinance tip should check out this great list of salaries for careers, before making your next move. Checking out careers and what they actually pay for you, can make a high impact on what you want to do in life. The base salary is what you would start earning. How much you make is completely up to you and your work ethic.

Staff Nurse-RN
Starting Pay- $59,000
While you have to be a certified registered nurse and hold an associates degree, it's worth it for this job that will never go away. This career is top on this list of salaries for careers because people are always going to get sick and become hurt. Doctors will always need nurses to assist them. As with most medical jobs, you will have job security.

Financial Adviser
Starting Pay- $66,000
You only need a bachelor's degree for this position. This is another career that will not be going away anytime soon. As long as people have money and credit in rotation, they will need your help to manage it and you will have job security.

Paralegal for an Attorney
Starting Pay- $54,000
You need an associate's degree for this position. You will assist attorneys with paperwork and legal documents. As long as there is crime and accidents, you will have job security here.

Personal Trainer
Starting Pay- $50,000
Depending on where you go to apply for your new career, you may need a bachelor's degree or just a personal trainer certification. Some may even require both, but chances are you will be making even more money. People are always trying to get fit and healthy, which means more job security for you.

Starting Pay- $47,000
You will need a bachelor's degree for this career. This career has made the list of salaries for careers because there is always going to be schools around and kids to teach. Summers off are one perk of this great career.

Community Organizer
Starting Pay- $35,000
You do not need any type of degree to start off in this field. Just need some experience. If you choose to get a bachelor's degree you can tack on another 20 thousand to the starting pay per year at the very least.

Investment Specialist
Starting Pay- $70,000
You will need a bachelor's degree for this career. Some may require you to hold NASD licensees as well. There is always room to grow in this career, so the more degree's and license you hold; the more your starting pay will go up per year.

Marketing Specialist
Starting Pay- $54,000
A bachelor's degree will be needed for this career as well. This job will be in high demand for ever, so job security is something you will defiantly have. As long as people buy products, you will hold a job.

Pharmaceutical Sales
Starting Pay- $90,000
You will need an associate's degree to hold this position. A great job to have as it's in the medical field. Medical field jobs are always in high demand. Along with that, your perks and benefits will be nice. You will know a lot of doctors and that can become a perk all in itself.

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche consolidate my student loans developer and author. To learn more about www.careerchangeonline.info/list-of-salaries-for-careers/">careers visit www.careerchangeonline.info/">Career Change Online for current articles and discussions.